
Monday, November 21, 2011

Rumor Redesigned iPad 3 in March and Aluminum iPhone 5 this Summer?

Our most reliable source has spoken: expect body changes for the next iPad, iPhone, and MacBook Pro. Here’s what we’ve heard.

The third-generation iPad will become modestly thicker (0.7mm) in order to accommodate the twin light bar system needed for its higher-resolution display. read more

Apple is preparing to release a slightly thicker – 0.7-millimeter iPad in March with a dual-backlit display and afresh high-resolution screen according to iLounge.  They're also reporting that Apple will probably launch the iPhone 5 next summer that will not have a tear-drop design as many have speculated.  Instead, it will be 8-millimeters longer that the current model and will have a metal case as well as a 4-inch display.


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