Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Samsung N7100 Galaxy Note 2 leak photos, released date and specification
Samsung N7100 Galaxy Note 2 will be out in early October this year. Samsung N7100 Galaxy Note 2 time-to-market in the first 40 weeks of this year, the first week of October, and there will be a white version that will be launched. As for the price of this phone is temporarily not been revealed int the news, but I guess it will be priced as the same of Samsung S3 flat or slightly higher.From the gadget configuration, the latest news of the expose display Samsung N7100 Galaxy Note 2 that will features a 5.5-inch giant screen, quad-core processor, 8 megapixel camera, and running in Android 4.1 operating system, the overall configuration is very strong, detailed configuration will be on The upcoming Samsung new conference in Berlin that was announced.
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