Saturday, August 18, 2012
the iPhone5 using second-generation A5 processor quad-core up in smoke
With the the iPhone5 time is approaching, some of the subject matters had previously broke the news has also been shown. It has been confirmed, the news is iPhone5 with 4-inch screen, smaller interface (8-pin or 19 pin) and in order to prevent the iPhone4 "Death Grip" (grip position does not it will cause a blocking signal) phenomenon , the new iPhone5 will be a new design on the back cover.Lately, according to the latest news of the foreign media 9to5Mac calculated the iPhone5 will be powered by the A5-2 dual-core processor isn't broke before the A6 quad-core processors, it may make a number of fruit powder is very disappointing; although iPhone5 may be using the A5-2 dual-core processor, but I think the CPU will use the new architecture, clocked graphics processor will have a certain upgrade, lower power consumption and faster processing speed.
Concurrently the iPhone5 battery picture is also from foreign website that broke the battery size used in the iPhone 5 will be 1440 mA, compared to the 1430 mA when the iPhone when the iPhone 4S and 1420 mA 4 increased slightly, but enhance the magnitude isn't large.
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